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Attendance is critical to a student's success in school.   We hope that your child can attend school everyday and have perfect attendance. 

If your child is going to miss school, please call 408-423-3805 or fill out the Pomeroy Absence Form.  Please leave a detailed message including student name, teacher and reason for absence.

EXCUSED ABSENCES: Child is absent due to illness, quarantine, medical, dental or optometrical services rendered. Other absences require a written notice to the principal such as observance of a religious holiday or ceremony, required appearance in court, or funeral service for a member of the immediate family.

UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: All other absences shall be deemed as unexcused such as:  going on a family trip, attending a wedding, not bringing your child to school because a parent was sick, keeping your child at home due to car trouble or keeping your child at home due to oversleeping.